Meet Jeff

A Therapist 

you can trust

Jeffrey Shearer, LCSW, MCAP
Jeffrey Shearer is a Florida Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He received his Master's in Social Work from Florida State University. Jeff has nearly thirty years experience providing therapy services and mental health advocacy. He founded and led a non-profit mental health provider on the Florida Treasure Coast for 25 years. He takes a collaborative approach to treatment, integrating psychotherapy to work towards the client's individual goals and improved behavioral and emotional functioning.
Jeffrey Shearer LCSW, MCAP

Jeffrey Shearer earned his Master of Social Work degree from Florida State University and attained his Licensed Clinical Social Worker certification in 1994. He is a member of The Academy of Certified Social Workers and is a Certified Master’s Level Addictions Professional (MCAP) credentialed by the Florida Certification Board.

Jeff retired as the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Tykes & Teens, the premier children’s mental health organization on the Treasure Coast. During his 25-year tenure, Tykes & Teens grew to serve over 2,000 clients annually while expanding to all the counties of the Treasure Coast. 

In 2020, Jeff opened a private practice in Wilton Manors, FL, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale. He provides compassionate psychotherapy services specializing in Trauma-informed care and working with adult and adolescent clients. He is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Clinical Sexology. He provides services via Telehealth to residents of the State of Florida and of the Commonwealth of Virginia. He has over 30 years of experience helping clients achieve their full potential and optimal mental health. 

Jeff has experience in providing corporate training in a variety of fields including Trauma-informed leadership, crisis management, unconscious bias training, and motivational leadership. His clients have included Cleveland Clinic Florida, Baptist Health South Florida, The Pride Center in Fort Lauderdale, Martin County School District, and other healthcare organizations.

Jeff is an Adjunct Professor at Florida Atlantic University in the Master of Social Work program and is an emerging national leader in mental health. He is a well-recognized speaker at the state and national level on mental health having lectured at over 100 seminars and presentations. His clinical expertise spans several areas including Trauma-informed care, EMDR, Addiction, CBT, CPP, and Reflective Practice. He is a qualified vetted supervisor through the Florida Alliance for Infant Mental Health and is completing his Endorsement® for the IMH-E® designation. 

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